parent supportive Services

Family Support Services Program

Agape Family Services offers supportive services including case aide, parent aide and life coaching services to help families identify strategies for safety and success. Agape’s Trust Based Relationship Intervention (TRBI)® practitioner is available to provide specialized training and support for families who are parenting children with histories of abuse, trauma and neglect.

Supporting families together

Parent aides increase parent protective capacities so birth parents have the cognitive, behavioral and emotional ability to protect their children, children can remain in or return to the care of their parents and the likelihood of repeated reports of abuse or neglect is reduced or eliminated.

Parent Aides and Case Aides also provide supervised visitation between children in out-of-home care and their parents, siblings or family members. Visitation duties include observing and recording interactions during the visit, coaching and modeling of parenting skills, connecting parents to available formal and informal community resources, and transporting children to and from the visitation.


Looking to help?

As a nonprofit organization, Agape is greatly helped by people just like you — sharing their time, talent, and support.


From throwing a party, to creative fundraising, to helping train a community—there are many ways to make a difference for children and their families by volunteering with Agape!

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“Love never fails”